Who is the Pride Network Leader?

Who is the Pride Network Leader?

The PRIDE NETWORK LEAD consortium is proud to announce the compendium consisting of three documents realized within the ERASMUS+ project. Within Work Package 2, the partners- representing Italy, Poland, Spain, and Greece- established the necessary formal and...
First Project’s Newsletter is Here! 

First Project’s Newsletter is Here! 

The PRIDE NETWORK LEAD consortium is proud to announce the first Newsletter of the ERASMUS + project Pride Network Lead (project number: 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000087825).   Work Package 2 within the ERASMUS+ project PRIDE NETWORK LEAD has been successfully finalized....
A new start to fight discrimination

A new start to fight discrimination

Pride Network Lead is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme and implemented by a consortium of 5 partners: Accademia IRSEI (Italy), Diversity Hub (Poland), OECON (Greece), Growth Coop (Spain) and CEIPES (Italy).   On the 25th of January 2023, partners met online...